Bolivia. Law against racism and discriminationToday Convergence of Cultures celebrates the law against racism, that has been enacted by the Bolivian president Evo Morales, and that we consider not only democratic but also historical. Since active non-violence and non-discrimination constitute the only coherent method to achieve the objectives of Convergence of Cultures, we celebrate together with the Bolivian people the enactment of this law the past 8th of October in la Paz, Bolivia. It is an important tool necessary to end the ancient racist practices in that country, and a valuable antecedent for other countries of the continent and the world. We quote a paragraph of the preamble of the Political Constitution of the Multinational Estate of Bolivia to point the mental direction inspiring the Bolivian peoples to ratify this new tool: “ …We leave in the past the colonial, republican and neoliberal Estate. We assume the historic feat of collectively building the Unitarian Social Estate of Communitarian Multinational Right, which integrates and articulates the purposes of advancing towards a democratic Bolivia, productive, bearer and inspirer of peace, committed with integral development and with the free determination of peoples…” We sincerely hope for the success and completion of these desires which trace the route to the new world that all the people of this world need and to which we all must contribute to from the perspective of treating other like we’d like to be treated ourselves. Fernando Ayala |