The Convergence of Cultures is one of the organisms of the Humanist Movement. It was established in May 4th, 1969 with a public exposition of its founder, Silo, known as “The Healing of Suffering”, in a mountainous spot in the Andes, named Punta de Vacas, next to the border between Argentina and Chile.
The Humanist Movement is based on the current of thought known as New Humanism or Universalist Humanism, developed in Silo’s works and in the work of the various authors who inspired in it.
This thought also implies a feeling and a way of living, it influences numerous fields of human activity, giving rise to diverse organisms and actions fronts. All of them act in specific fields of activity with a common goal: Humanizing the earth, thus contributing to increase human freedom and happiness.
What is crucial is the encounter and dialogue between human beings of different cultures who can look at each other and say: "I exist because you exist."
Nevertheless the intention to appropriate the whole by a minority and the intolerant proposals of some leaders that take advantage of the lack of future of individuals and peoples, continues to justify and feed the clash between cultures, discrimination and violence..
Today it is necessary to generate settings, ambits, to preserve the ideas, beliefs and humanist attitudes of each culture which, beyond all differences, can be found in the heart of the every community and individual.
The Mundializaction
In today's society, coexistence among different cultures is a daily event. But what is extraordinary of the current historical time is that it is a period of globalization where all cultures are approaching and influencing one another, as it had never happened before. We are not speaking only about the fact that today people all over the world can be in contact with each other thanks to the advancements of communication technology. But rather, apart from the historical accumulation of phenomena such as colonialism and imperialism, the enormous inequality in the living conditions and of survival in different areas of the world, and the resulting massive migration, multi-culturality exists in the interior of territories that are still considered as "national states."
Mundialization and Globalization
It is important to distinguish between this process of growing mundialization, and globalization.
The often mentioned globalization is just the traditional behavior that imperial centers have adopted. As it has repeatedly happened in history, these empires install, develop and make other communities revolve around them, trying to impose their language, customs, clothing, food and all their codes.
These imperialist structures finally end up generating violence and chaos, as a result of his naive outrage and cultural confrontation.
Our Proposals
Encourage the relationship among different cultures.
Denounce and struggle against all forms of manifest or disguised discrimination.
Spread its ideas and activities
Convergence of Cultures is a global organization. In this respect its members, regardless of where they operate, they feel part of the same humanizing global action that is expressed in a diverse but convergent way.
Participation is open to everyone, without discrimination. Anyone who agrees with the basic objectives of the Convergence of Cultures can join the organization, joining as an active member or adherent. It is a human-based organization where each person takes responsibility for that which drives and build.
Relationships and personal and group behaviors are based on the Golden Rule: "Treat others as you want to be treated".
The humanistic attitude
When referring to a humanistic attitude, we refer to the following six points:
The location of the human being as central value and concern.
The affirmation of the equality of all human beings.
The recognition of personal and cultural diversity.
The trend towards knowledge beyond what is accepted or imposed as absolute truth.
The affirmation of the freedom of ideas and beliefs.
The repudiation of violence.
It is possible rescue in history, in thought and spirituality of each culture these elements. They crave more than a nostalgic return to a golden past, are inspired future aspirations and best represent the possible convergence between different cultures
The Base Teams meet regularly for exchange, ideological clarification, and organization of diverse activities.
Basically, Base Teams are in ongoing contact with communities of different cultures, associations and individuals, with the aim of spreading and organizing the joint activities of the organism.
The most important activities include the following:
Organization of conferences, exhibitions, forums, cultural and artistic meetings with the participation of members of different cultures. Involvement of members in activities organized by other entities, concerning issues related to the organism's (e.g. lectures, conferences, exhibitions).
Participation in international, regional, national and local campaigns launched by the Convergence of Cultures.
Organization and participation in denouncing demonstrations against discrimination. Specific denouncing Campaigns to spread the conflicts and arbitrariness that communities of different cultures may undergo.
Sending and distribution of informational material to cultures in different countries, with the aim of diffusing and assembling individuals and organizations around the study and activities of the Convergence of Cultures
Information on different cultures in schools with the participation of members of various cultural communities.
Publications production, focused on the ideas and activities of the Convergence of Cultures. Production of TV programs, radio, videos, Web sites, papers, bulletins, etc.
Organization of seminars, lectures, presentations on topics which the Convergence of Cultures consider important for its members and for the public in general.
Make available to its members, materials for personal work based on the Manual of Personal Development for the members of the Humanist Movement.
Convergence of Cultures is a world organization; in that sense, its members, regardless of the place where they act, feel that they take part of a common humanizing world activity expressed in a diverse but convergent way.
Partaking is open and flexible. We are talking about a human-based organization, in which each person becomes responsible for what he sets in motion or builds.
The basic (and main) structures of the Convergence of Cultures are “base teams”, which develop their activity in neighborhoods, schools, universities, workplaces, via internet, etc.
Any group, organization or association that, without losing its own identity, manifests its adhesion to the principles that inspires the C.C., may ask for its inclusion as an "adherent" of the C.C. and maintain with it, relationships of mutual collaboration.
*For more information, see "Handbook of Convergence of Cultures"
The “Convergence of Cultures’ teams” (base teams)
It is essential to encourage the implementation of three main mechanisms or functions for development of the organism:
Growth: its action is directed to other people, to other organizations with the aim of spreading and implementing the ideas, proposals and tools of the Convergence of Cultures.
Communication: it has a fluent Communication and interchange with other base teams of CC and other organizations related to the goals of CC.
Formation: It concentrates on progressive formation of members providing them with tools for personal, cultural and social development. These studies and practices can be found in its official materials.
These teams of the Convergence of Cultures generate ties with other group and organization of its surroundings, but under no circumstances should they establish an organic relationship with any of them.
Documents as resource and reference
Handbook of Convergence of Cultures
Team work
Manual of Personal Development for members of the Humanist Movement.
Team work
Collected Works I
Collected Works II
Documents of the meeting Punta de Vacas
Presentation Convergence of Cultures
Notion of Culture
C. Miconi
Power Point about organization
E. Perez
Text of the Guided Power Point
E. Perez
Joint Asking
N. Myers
Documents of difussion
Logo Convergence of Cultures
R. Edwards
Logo Convergence of Cultures
R. Edwards
Para debatir en torno a la inquietud "¿A dónde llegará la primavera árabe?", Convergencia de las Culturas organiza un Foro en Madrid (España) en colaboración con la Asociación de Apoyo al Pueblo Sirio, Comunidades de Marruecos y de otros países árabes el próximo sábado 3 de Diciembre.
El escenario social en que nos encontramos hoy, es el de un momento único en la historia de la humanidad. Ha nacido un nuevo ser humano, que comprende la globalidad y actúa en su entorno inmediato. Hoy día vemos cómo nuevos movimientos pacíficos van recorriendo el mundo entero, desafiando dictaduras militares, políticas y económicas. Y una vez más, fueron los pueblos árabes los pioneros de esta transformación social y los primeros en mostrar el camino hacia el nuevo mundo, del que resalta de manera fundamental la actitud no-violenta de los protagonistas de “la primavera árabe”.
Desde Convergencia de las Culturas estamos organizando el 1er FORO “EL DESPERTAR DE LOS PUEBLOS DE LOS PAISES ARABES”, en Madrid, el sábado 3 de diciembre, con el objetivo de favorecer un diálogo en torno a un proyecto común. Entendemos que ese diálogo es una condición necesaria para transitar por estos momentos de cambio que vivimos. Un diálogo que permitirá analizar y compartir los elementos progresivos con los que cuentan los diferentes pueblos protagonistas del cambio, así como investigar, expresar y rechazar aquellos elementos que históricamente se han opuesto al diálogo.
¿A DONDE LLEGARÁ LA PRIMAVERA ARABE? Esta pregunta marcará una profunda reflexión acerca del futuro inmediato y será el eje sobre el que transcurrirán los grupos de trabajo que se realizarán en este foro.
El Foro contará con la participación, gracias a la conexión por Skype, de mesas de intercambio en otros puntos, como Turquía y Tánger.
Invitamos a participar de este evento a quienes sienta la necesidad de sumar esfuerzos para la construcción de una verdadera Nación Humana Universal.
Pueden ponerse en contacto con Alberto Sánchez al teléfono 600 287 879 o escribir un mail a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Más información: Convergencia de las Culturas, C/ Montera, 13, escalera A, 1ºA. Madrid (España).