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Press Releases

EU resolution against the expulsion of Roma from France

Europe says no to Sarkozy’s anti-Roma line, as well as to the dangerous ideologies promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Interior.

Strasbourg, 9 September 2010. Convergence of Cultures welcomes the European Parliament’s decision to adopt the resolution on the Roma, presented by the center-left, with 337 votes to 245 against and 51 abstentions. Through this resolution, the European Parliament calls for the immediate suspension of extradition, emphasizing a “great concern at the expulsion measures adopted by the French authorities and other countries against Roma, and the incendiary and discriminatory rhetoric that has characterized the political debate during repatriation of the Roma, which gave credibility to racist statements and actions of extreme right groups”. The members of the Parliament reminded all states that “mass extraditions are prohibited by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and that these measures,  based on racial and ethnic discrimination, infringe EU treaties and laws, by violating the right of free movement”. The resolution also condemns the fingerprinting collection of expelled Roma, and expresses a critical opinion on the “belated and limited response of the Commission which, as guardian of the Treaties, is meant to ensure compliance of the actions of member states to the EU fundamental laws, in particular with the non-discrimination directives, freedom of movement and the right to protection of personal data”.

Convergence of Cultures invites individuals and charity institutions, as well as the press, to publicly support these reports and proposals, by any means at their disposal.

Gaspare Tararà
Convergence of Cultures World Team

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