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Press Releases

Refugees rejected in Europe suffer inhuman treatment in Libya

We receive reports of violence from Libya, failing to assist the injured and the deportations to countries in humanitarian crisis. Many of the victims are men, women and children rejected by the European authorities, in violation of the Geneva Convention.

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Immigration. Gaddafi prepares deportation of Eritrean refugees

The Italy-Libya agreement constantly violates the Geneva Convention. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees intervenes.

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EU resolution against the expulsion of Roma from France

Europe says no to Sarkozy’s anti-Roma line, as well as to the dangerous ideologies promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Interior.

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Convergence of Cultures takes leave of Silo, the inspiration for New Humanism

Convergence of Cultures reports the death of the philosopher Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos (Silo), founder of the "Universalist Humanism" or "New Humanism" school of thought that inspires this international organization dedicated to promoting and facilitating dialogue between cultures and to combating all forms of violence and discrimination.

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